「臻妙境」這件作品,在繼承原來創作風格的基礎上,更深入地注重人物內心的刻畫,以「兼工代寫」的筆墨手法勾勒出一幅至瑧入境的畫面。身處其中的人物,坐擁精緻奇巧的太湖石,神色自若宛如身處山水之間, 靜看紅塵浮沉,怡然自得;塑造出人物內心「非淡泊無以明志,非寧靜無以致遠」的處世哲思。 涓涓流水般的衣紋與武士廣闊的胸襟相得益彰;指尖輕輕一揮,座下一塊太湖石迸發萬眾矚目的金光,氣度非凡地展現生機渤發、超越自我的力量,談笑間檣櫓灰飛煙滅、 點石成金。虛實相生,一派安逸閑適、與世無爭的景象躍現眼前;任憑世間風雲變幻,仍保持心靜無垢,觀照自在,渾然忘我,進入至臻至妙的境界 。這件作品充滿東方的「禪意」,整個造型沉穩厚重充滿文化底蘊又不失現代感,給人們展現出作品背後一種超凡脫俗的精神境界,表達藝術家對這種人生境界的嚮往,平靜的心境與淡定從容的精神之美 。 While following the original style of creativity, for which he is known, “Utmost Wonder” pays more attention to depicting the inner world of the...
While following the original style of creativity, for which he is known, “Utmost Wonder” pays more attention to depicting the inner world of the figure. It could be interpreted as an image reaching the highest state of wonder, derived from the techniques of “both fine brushwork and freehand brushwork”. A figure is seated amidst the exquisite Taihu stone, resting his arm on it on one side. He is relaxed and at one with the mountains and water; expressing the philosophy of the inner world of tranquility ‘If he cares too much for fame and fortune then he will not be able to understand his own heart. He must be calm and focused if he wants to achieve in life.’
The smooth texture of the cloth perfectly compliments the broad chest of the warrior, creating an idyllic image of a man, comfortable and at ease, totally unaffected by worldly success. He gazes at life’s changes with benevolence, calmly sitting and watching the clouds rise. Like in the ancient poem ‘In such a state of being, successfully making plans whilst chatting and laughing. He has the power to be triumphant, even when he is a thousand miles away.’ A man with mercy does not fight with others. A wise man does not argue. A calm man listens and remains silent. A man at ease does not need to constantly follow others. No matter how the situation changes, the man keeps a calm heart and it not distracted. He cares about simplicity, and is unconcerned about what is happening around him. By doing so, he enters the highest state of supreme philosophy. The work of art named “Utmost Wonder” expresses the artist’s yearning for such a state of being, with a tranquil heart and a spirit composed and at ease; a spirit that arouses calmness and beauty in others, opening the door to the “Utmost Wonder”.