Ren Zhe 任哲 China, b. 1983
Ren Zhe 任哲 China, b. 1983
Formidable Strength 震山, 2020
Bronze 青銅
67x31x51cm (WDH)
Base plate: 45x25cm
Base plate: 45x25cm
Edition of 12 plus 3 artist's proofs
Further images
牛之形,上應天星,功於社稷;牛之力,下興地利,福至眾生。 作品震山呈現牛奔跑驟停、頷首衝刺的瞬間,憑藉扭轉乾坤的氣勢,及堅毅沈穩的態度,表達蓄勢待發,披荊斬棘,逆流而上的精神。 作品通過青銅材質體現牛身清晰的肌理線條,強調了「震山」身型蒼勁有力、氣勢如虹的特徵,更以金色點綴牛角,寓意守護眾生,保佑平安順遂。 The form and physical strength of an ox can directly be attributed to benefit our society and where we live. As a well reputed figure in traditional...
The form and physical strength of an ox can directly be attributed to benefit our society and where we live.
As a well reputed figure in traditional Chinese culture, the ox symbolises determination and steadiness – always prepared to face and overcome any given challenge. “Formidable Strength” portrays an ox that is frozen in motion - giving a sense that it is still, yet charging with vigour in full speed.
Bronze as a medium brings out a fresh and rustic quality from within, enhancing the artist’s gestural marks across the figure’s body and emphasising it’s vigorous, powerful and imposing characteristics of “Formidable Strength”. Embellished in gold, the pair of horns act as a way to protect and bless all living creatures.
The form and physical strength of an ox can directly be attributed to benefit our society and where we live.
As a well reputed figure in traditional Chinese culture, the ox symbolises determination and steadiness – always prepared to face and overcome any given challenge. “Formidable Strength” portrays an ox that is frozen in motion - giving a sense that it is still, yet charging with vigour in full speed.
Bronze as a medium brings out a fresh and rustic quality from within, enhancing the artist’s gestural marks across the figure’s body and emphasising it’s vigorous, powerful and imposing characteristics of “Formidable Strength”. Embellished in gold, the pair of horns act as a way to protect and bless all living creatures.