Ren Zhe 任哲 China, b. 1983
Ren Zhe 任哲 China, b. 1983
Vitality 元氣淋漓 (L+), 2019
173x279x414cm (WDH)
Edition of 5
“天鹿者,純靈之獸也。 ”鹿同祿,意味著得祿榮陞、加官進祿,值得慶賀。此外,鹿的出現還是繁榮昌盛的象徵,德音的示現;而靈芝,自古而今被先民視為祥瑞、吉祥如意的象徵,服之可“後天而老”,“與天同期” ;口銜靈芝則兼有吉祥長壽之意;在北京太廟展覽中,“元氣淋漓” 靜立五色琉璃門甬道兩旁呈現奔騰的姿態,通過靈動的外在彰顯內在元氣之澎湃,並彙聚能量於鹿身,以自身靈氣鏈接天地自然。 The sacred beast, in the form of a deer with antlers, an auspicious spirit from the Han legend. The Chinese character for deer and good fortune...
“天鹿者,純靈之獸也。 ”鹿同祿,意味著得祿榮陞、加官進祿,值得慶賀。此外,鹿的出現還是繁榮昌盛的象徵,德音的示現;而靈芝,自古而今被先民視為祥瑞、吉祥如意的象徵,服之可“後天而老”,“與天同期” ;口銜靈芝則兼有吉祥長壽之意;在北京太廟展覽中,“元氣淋漓” 靜立五色琉璃門甬道兩旁呈現奔騰的姿態,通過靈動的外在彰顯內在元氣之澎湃,並彙聚能量於鹿身,以自身靈氣鏈接天地自然。
The sacred beast, in the form of a deer with antlers, an auspicious spirit from the Han legend. The Chinese character for deer and good fortune is a commonly known homonym. Additionally, the emergence of deer has always been considered as a symbol of prosperity. The Lingzhi mushroom carried in the deer’s mouth symbolises auspicious longevity. In the Beijing Taimiao (Ancestral Temple) Exhibition, the pair of “Vitality” deers placed by the sides of the gate entrance; frozen and captured in a moment of stillness in midst of its galloping movements.
The sacred beast, in the form of a deer with antlers, an auspicious spirit from the Han legend. The Chinese character for deer and good fortune is a commonly known homonym. Additionally, the emergence of deer has always been considered as a symbol of prosperity. The Lingzhi mushroom carried in the deer’s mouth symbolises auspicious longevity. In the Beijing Taimiao (Ancestral Temple) Exhibition, the pair of “Vitality” deers placed by the sides of the gate entrance; frozen and captured in a moment of stillness in midst of its galloping movements.
Ren Zhe "Qi" Sculpture Exhibition 2019, Imperial Ancestral Temple (Taimiao), Beijing
Ren Zhe "Qi" Sculpture Exhibition 2019, Imperial Ancestral Temple (Taimiao), Beijing