Ren Zhe 任哲 China, 1983
Ren Zhe 任哲 China, 1983
Belief 君所信 (M), 2017
Bronze 青銅
58x53x115cm (WDH)
Edition of 9 plus 3 artist's proofs
信從人,從言,君的言論是應當誠實不欺的。 要做眾人之君,先要使自身修為成專一不移,公 正合宜,可以定身以行事之可信之人。 Belief, comes from the people, from one’s word. The word of a gentleman must always be cordial and honest. To become a true gentleman, one must focus...
信從人,從言,君的言論是應當誠實不欺的。 要做眾人之君,先要使自身修為成專一不移,公 正合宜,可以定身以行事之可信之人。
Belief, comes from the people, from one’s word. The word of a gentleman must always be cordial and honest. To become a true gentleman, one must focus on becoming equitable and rational, for one that is determined to act is someone to be trusted.
Belief, comes from the people, from one’s word. The word of a gentleman must always be cordial and honest. To become a true gentleman, one must focus on becoming equitable and rational, for one that is determined to act is someone to be trusted.