Louise Soloway Chan 陳路思 UK, 1962
Louise Soloway Chan 陳路思 UK, 1962
CNY Sai Wan 西環農曆新年, 2019
Fine Art Print on Hahnemuhle Fine Art paper
67 x 61 cm
Edition of 100
Born 1962 in London and educated in England and India, Louise Soloway Chan is a visual storytelling artist trying to capture an essence of the rapidly changing city. Louise’s works...
Born 1962 in London and educated in England and India, Louise Soloway Chan is a visual storytelling
artist trying to capture an essence of the rapidly changing city. Louise’s works had been
exhibited extensively in institutions such as Royal Academy of Art, Whitechapel Gallery and
National Portrait Gallery in London. Ever since she moved to Hong Kong, Louise was constantly
drawn to picture the ordinary lives: men in suits rushing off to work, helpers getting children to
school, and many silent voices and invisible hands that are the life force and backbone that keeps the
city functioning. Observing & recording daily life has been a private passion of Louise which was
brought into public view by the MTR. In 2011, the MTR Corp commissioned Louise Soloway Chan
to create a huge work consisting of 12 bas-reliefs about lives and traditional shop businesses in Hong
This work is a print from one of the original acrylic panels of the MTR piece.
生於1962 年,Louise Soloway Chan 陳路思在倫敦出生長大,隨後在英國巴斯學院及印度巴羅
達藝術學院(Baroda Faculty of Fine Arts)接受藝術教育。陳路思是一位習慣用視覺藝術敘事
帶孩子上學的幫傭,以及許多沉默卻努力生活的人們 —— 他們是這個城市順利運作的重要
MTR 帶入公眾的視野。2011 年,港鐵MTR 委託陳路思為西營盤站創作一個大型公共藝術作
品,其中包含12 幅大型淺浮雕,描繪香港傳統的商業及普通人的生活。
artist trying to capture an essence of the rapidly changing city. Louise’s works had been
exhibited extensively in institutions such as Royal Academy of Art, Whitechapel Gallery and
National Portrait Gallery in London. Ever since she moved to Hong Kong, Louise was constantly
drawn to picture the ordinary lives: men in suits rushing off to work, helpers getting children to
school, and many silent voices and invisible hands that are the life force and backbone that keeps the
city functioning. Observing & recording daily life has been a private passion of Louise which was
brought into public view by the MTR. In 2011, the MTR Corp commissioned Louise Soloway Chan
to create a huge work consisting of 12 bas-reliefs about lives and traditional shop businesses in Hong
This work is a print from one of the original acrylic panels of the MTR piece.
生於1962 年,Louise Soloway Chan 陳路思在倫敦出生長大,隨後在英國巴斯學院及印度巴羅
達藝術學院(Baroda Faculty of Fine Arts)接受藝術教育。陳路思是一位習慣用視覺藝術敘事
帶孩子上學的幫傭,以及許多沉默卻努力生活的人們 —— 他們是這個城市順利運作的重要
MTR 帶入公眾的視野。2011 年,港鐵MTR 委託陳路思為西營盤站創作一個大型公共藝術作
品,其中包含12 幅大型淺浮雕,描繪香港傳統的商業及普通人的生活。