Wang Xinggang 王興剛 China, 1971




Born in 1971 in Liaoning, northern Provence in China, Wang received a B.S. in sculpture making in Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts (LXAFA) in 1997. He received a M.A. (Master of Creative Art) in Wollongong University in 2004.


His pieces such as “North Wind” have earned him the special prize of the Fourth National Sporting Arts Exhibition and the second prize Liaoning Provincial Art Exhibition. Other winning pieces include “Clearing Up After Drizzle”, “Music of Spring” and “Source of Power”. Wang’s sculpture is a reflection of the fast moving circumstances surrounding contemporary society in the People’s Republic of China. Wang splits his time between creating sculpture and teaching at Beijing University. 


Wang specializes in sculpting peasants as a reflection of the speedy progress of the Chinese society – forgetting the simple and plain individuals still found in the rural areas of the nation. He emphasizes on the modernization of China, prevalence of contemporary trends and loss of individuality between the demands of work and personal life. Unlike his peers, Wang’s focus on rural subjects makes him standout. With his ability to come up with the appropriate blend of both contemporary arts and the topic of countryside in his sculptures, Wang shows his audience his attachment and understanding towards Chinese peasants as well as being able to connect with the modernizing generation. He makes use of his practical experiences and cultural pondering of many years ignite his awareness on the negligence or oversight of those serious problems in the contemporary arts field. In this view, he initiatively chooses and shoulders this cultural responsibility, confines his vision on this field, and focuses on those peasants who are fringed by the urbanization tide.


王興剛,1971年出生在瀋陽, 1997年畢業於魯迅美術學院雕塑系,2002年在澳洲臥龍崗大學創意美術系碩士學位,現任教於首都師範大學美術學院,講授雕塑相關課程。他在北京的工作室,周圍是各種輕工業工廠。王興剛童年就是生活在工業區,外公是個民間泥塑藝人。周圍的長輩也是能工巧匠。他的創作靈感都是來自親身體驗和內心感受,他認為作爲藝術家首先應該有自己的人格和人品,才能把握住自己的狀態和價值趨向。他認為技術和使用的材料其實很重要,覺得化學合成材料,例如用玻璃鋼材料用來雕塑,它的屬性是短壽的,就如流行時尚中的廉價物料,只能瞬間停留。



Wang Xinggang’s works are typically inspired by the effects of the rapid modernisation of China. Over the past several decades, the country has undergone profound changes causing major shifts and adjustments to the lives of millions. Peasants and farmers are typical subject matters that are featured throughout Wang Xinggang’s oeuvre. Wang Xinggang’s series Chasing and Prescription explores the anxieties and vulnerabilities of a society ill at ease with its new environment. In particular, his Prescription series which was presented as part of Yan Gallery’s exhibition at Fine Art Asia encapsulates this sense of lost identity - juxtaposing his sculptures with acrylic and polished rosewood. 


Wang Xinggang has received notable awards from the Laoning Provincial Art Exhibition and Fourth National Sporting Arts Exhibition.



Selected Exhibitions

Selected Exhibitions  

Wang Xinggang: Prescription for the Soul, Yan Gallery, Hong Kong

Wang Xinggang: Senses of Reality, AP Contemporary, Hong Kong

The Collision and Confluence: Chinese-American Art, Center for Chinese Art at William Paterson University, New York and New Jersey
Garfagnana Innovizione stone carving workshop, Gramolazzo, MUSA ART Museum, Italy

vibrARTion in Four Seasons: Sculptures by Wang Xinggang Four Seasons Hotel, Beijing
9nd Art Festival of Song Zhuang, “Da Xiang You Xing Public Sculptures Exhibition” Song Village, Beijing, China

5th Anniversary Contemporary Sculpture Invitation Bei Jing Finace Street, Beijing, China
"The spirit of the container” Wang Xing Gang and Cai Zhisong sculpture Group Exhibitions Siemens Art Space 798

International Sculpture Exhibition of Datong Biennial Datong He Yang Art Museum
“North Wind”Collected by Institute of Network Coding of The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The First Annual Moon River Sculpture Festival, The Origin, Beijing, China
Hong Kong International Art Fair, Hong Kong 

2nd Art Festival of Song Zhuang, China           
France Une International Sculpture Competition, France 

Beihang Art Museum