Fine Art Asia 典亞藝博 2021
Booth E10 2021年10月7日 - 10月11日 Yan Gallery x Fine Art Asia 2021 | 一畫廊 x 典雅藝博 2021 誰說疫情期間就不能衝出香港?2021的典雅藝博,一畫廊首次展出20幅珍藏的吳冠中寫生版畫,與您淺嚐藝術家美學式的打卡法。 從《華燈初上憶香江》始,由香港出發,走到英國鄉村旅店、巴黎塞納河橋、青島小鎮、印尼夜舞⋯⋯乃至一嘗北京紫竹院早春。一切景語,皆情語。吳冠中對寫生有著獨特見解,作畫會先遊一遍,構... 繼續 -
Yan Gallery x Parklane Pullman: Artist Playground
2021年9月28日 - 2022年10月4日 YAN Gallery Artist Playground為一畫廊於2021年全新成立的藝術概念體驗店,一畫廊作為一家於香港本土誕生的專業畫廊,在多年推廣中國當代藝術家作品的基礎之上,YAN Artist Playground將聯合眾多東西方獨立藝術家,致力於發展本地創意文化,將藝術、設計、建築與可持續發展等元素,注入顧客的生活。
YAN Artist Playground開拓了我們對於藝術的想像空間,以及更多樣化表達藝術的方式。同時,YAN Artist Playground更秉承著培育本地及國際藝術人才的理念,以文創作品、藝術書籍、藝術家講座及工作坊的形式,向世界推廣中國文化,打造中外藝術文化交流的平台,不斷激發當代青年的創意靈感,推動創新力量。
YAN Gallery Artist Playground is an experiential art concept store established by YAN Gallery in 2021. As a professional local gallery, YAN Gallery has taken an active role in promoting Chinese contemporary artist and their work in recent years. Building up on our prior work, YAN Artist Playground serves as a community for Asian and Western artists to promote local creative culture. We hope to instill the elements of arts, design, architecture and sustainability into our customers’ life.
YAN Artist Playground features a wide range of artists and work, such as work from the renowned contemporary Chinese painter Wu Guanzhong and sculpture artist Ren Zhe. From the surrealist portrait paintings to the Chinese landscape paintings, their work has depicted the beauty of nature and life. YAN Artist Playground has inspired many to explore new ways of thinking and expressing art.
Meanwhile, YAN Artist Playground holds the mission to nurture local and international art experts. We hope to promote Chinese culture to the world through different medium, including artwork, publications, talks and workshops. We also hope to provide an international cultural exchange platform for teenagers and young adults, bringing them new inspiration and creative power to thrive in the art industry. 繼續 -
The Affection to Hong Kong 情緣香港
Wu Guanzhong Exhibition 吳冠中版畫展 2021年6月18日 - 7月14日 Yan Gallery has collaborated with Kings Art for the exhibition named 'The Affection to HK, Wu Guanzhong Solo Exhibition', starting from 18 June 2021 to 14 July 2021, located at VPOINT, 5/F, 18 Tang Lu... 繼續 -
Fine Art Asia 典亞藝博 2020
Yan Gallery booth B7 一畫廊B7號展位 2020年11月27日 - 11月30日 Yan Gallery is delighted to announce that we will be returning to take part in this year’s Fine Art Asia and would like to invite you to join us at the event. The exhibition will feature outstan... 繼續 -
Flooding the Forbidden City 水淹紫禁城
Paintings by Chen Lianqing 陳聯慶作品展 2020年9月1日 - 10月17日 Born in Chongqing in 1967, Chen Lianqing’s passion for art developed from a young age. He often travelled to Shanghai and Suzhou to seek inspiration for his landscape sketches. After studying in... 繼續 -
Wu Guanzhong and Hong Kong 吳冠中與⾹港
Prints and Photographies 老照片與版畫展 2019年8月29日 - 9月21日 吳冠中自上世紀⼋十年代起常常訪問香港,⾹港藝術館曾多次為他舉辦展覽,最近期的是2014 至2015 年的「吳冠中作品捐贈展」;⼀一畫廊亦曾於1989 年為他舉辦首次商業畫展,在港引起很大迴響,同年在蘇富⽐的拍賣中,他的畫作更創下了當時中國畫價格的最⾼紀錄。 吳冠中的作品如《雙燕》、《江南春景》及《周莊》等聞名遐邇,很多觀眾並不陌生。然⽽,對於他數十年來踏⾜香港,在這⽚⼟地上寫生、⽣活,與好友相聚的... 繼續 -
Between Heaven and Earth 天地遊
Paintings by Benny SY Li 李純恩畫展 2018年12月7日 - 12月16日 Benny Li is a well-known figure in Hong Kong, a former chief editor of Ming Pao Newspaper and editor of the Sing Pao Newspaper Supplement, he has hosted various TV shows, appeared in several movies, w... 繼續 -
Drunk in Dreams 醉與夢
Lin Jinfu Solo Exhibition 林金福個展 2018年8月30日 - 9月15日 看林金福人體作品
My Opinion on Jeff Lin's Nude Paintings
Over a dozen years ago, I lectured for a short period to the undergraduate class where Jeff Lin attended and witnessed his first nude sketching. Diligent, smart and sensitive, he was then the best of the whole class.
It is very hard to draw nudes, which is compulsory for students. He is the only one I have ever met who makes constant progress by keeping drawing human bodies after graduation, and transform the classroom-style nude drawings into works with deep connotations and unique ideas in his whole career. It’s really rare.
Fond of male bodies, Jeff often chooses strong and handsome models as his drawing subjects. In his drawings, their gesture languages seem to be telling you something and simultaneously suppressing some other things. Behind the movements of flesh bodies, gloomy vitality is slightly demonstrated.
Nude paintings inside China are mostly focusing on females. Male nudes are manly muscular with inner charismas, but they seem to be rejected by most painters. Body art originates from the Occident and the robustness of male nudes has been a major subject of the art since the Ancient Greece. For over a hundred years, we have been learning drawing skills from both Chinese and western drawings. But in this area of aesthetics, we have almost achieved nothing.
That's why I admire Jeff so much for his distinguishing choice and outstanding courage. For people taking up nude paintings, they would take a long and exhausting road. With his lifetime efforts, Lucian Freud has produced many masterpieces of male nudes, which demonstrate vagueness, confusions and natural grace. Now Jeff aspires to work at this and proceeds arduously forward as his disciple. I am willing to back up and cheer for him.
Chen Danqing
New York, June 2018
"All students of academy of arts often copy human bodies to improve their drawing skills, but it is rare for them to draw with human nudes as subjects, especially male nudes. Mr. Jeff Lin, in first several years after his graduation from Academy of Arts, Tsinghua University, had been concentrated his efforts admiringly on drawing young and vigorous male nudes to demonstrate their brilliant youth and robustness on the drawing cloth. Then, I thought he will broaden this small field with his firm determination and persistence. Muscles and bodies are of great beauty, but Jeff may imbue his paintings with more mature implications by exhibiting the melancholy and mystery of the male nudes. With continuous growth over these years, Jeff has made a huge progress in his nude drawing works, which is complete in images, vivid in color and rich in connotation. His nude-centered creative works leave us an impression of his inspirations about life, a purer understanding of human bodies, and his unique features. He has made some breakthroughs in some areas of the drawing art.
Mr. Jeff Lin cannot make such impressive achievements today without his adherence to and insistence on art! I hope he can continue keeping this kind of artistic honesty, break all hard future barriers and make continuous self-improvements. I look forward to a special world he can create in the field of artistic creation!"
Chen Danqing
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Fated for Half A Lifetime 半生緣
Chen Chengwei Solo Exhibition With Yan Gallery Hong Kong 陳承衛香港一畫廊展 2017年10月1日 - 10月10日 Fated F or H alf a L ifetime – Chen Cheng-Wei Hong Kong Solo Exhibition Preface When I spoke about my thoughts on this Hong Kong solo exhibition last year, the idea of pain... 繼續 -
The Magic Mountain 清音鑄雲山
Ink Paintings by He Wei 何微水墨作品展 2017年6月22日 - 7月9日 “In the idea of Da Chonguang’s theory of painting, the brightest part is ‘empty space always becomes wonderland’……How to apply a contemporary view to tradit... 繼續 -
Catch the Moment 筆游·心動
Paintings by Marco Szeto 司徒志明作品展 2016年10月27日 - 11月29日 Utinam nonumy aliquip ne vim, no nihil dicam est. Velit nonumy invidunt cu sed, te mei ocurreret consectetuer. Stet iuvaret nec at, ut suas vocent prodesset nam. Mel libris phaedr... 繼續 -
Prescription for the Soul 處方
Sculptures by Wang Xinggang 王興剛雕塑展 2016年9月9日 - 10月12日 繼續 -
Ink Paintings by Yick Hang 益行彩墨
Yick Hang Solo Exhibition 益行水墨個展 2016年9月8日 - 9月24日 這個九月一畫廊榮幸帶來香港藝術家徐益行水墨個展——“益行彩墨”,彷如拂面清风。展覽中近三十件作品,凝聚了她數十年對藝術的感悟,于觀者必將是一場視覺的盛宴,誠邀您共賞。 Yan Gallery is pleased to announce its next exhibition of ink paintings by Yick Hang (Anne T... 繼續 -
Home Sweet Home 江南我家
Oil Paintings by Wu Weixin 吳為心油畫作品展 2016年4月28日 - 5月31日 繼續 -
Red Guard Movement: 50th Anniversary 紅衛兵運動50週年
Oil Paintings by Shen Hanwu 沈漢武油畫作品展 2016年3月22日 - 4月10日 繼續 -
European Artists Group Show x Hong Kong Art Gallery Week 2015年11月6日 - 11月30日 繼續 -
The Art of Being Myself 我自己的藝術
New Ink Paintings by Chen Lianqing 陳聯慶新水墨作品展 2014年11月28日 - 12月14日 ABOUT THE ARTIST Chen Lianqing studied traditional Chinese painting as a young man, however, when he first exhibited with us in Hong Kong in 2007, it was his very contemporary acr... 繼續 -
Liu Kun: My Life 劉錕:我的人生
Solo Exhibition of Liu Kun 劉錕個展 2011年4月7日 - 4月24日 Yan Gallery is pleased to announce its next exhibition entitled “My Life”, which will feature a collection of oil paintings and resin sculptures by Mainland Chinese a rtist Liu Kun. Liu&rs... 繼續 -
Shall We Dance? 雙人舞
Oil Paintings by Liu Kun 劉錕油畫展 2005年12月7日 - 12月30日 繼續 -
Unforgettable 難忘鄉間路
Ink Paintings by Nie Ou 聶鷗水墨畫集 2003年6月26日 - 7月20日 繼續